Part 34: Wherein our story ends
Ere last we left our heroes, they had engaged in a deception so great that even the gods would be impressed. They had penetrated the temple of the world serpent undetected with nothing but brazen lies, steel nerves, and incredible cunning. They now stood on the temple roof - hallowed ground that no none Yuan-Ti had seen and lived - and gazed out upon the herald of dread Zehir himself, as well as the Hierophant of the Se'Sehen clan and a coterie of guardians.
All this was set to take place under the very gaze of Zehir himself, who looked on with inscrutable divine vision. His schemes to seize control of Yuan-Ti society were bearing fruit, and once the banners of all clans joined with clan Se'Sehen he would attempt what Sseth had never promised, world conquest for the Yuan-Ti. His agents waited all along the Sword Coast and Samarach, preparing for the coming of their master. If the head of the serpent was not severed, the body would devour the whole world.
Facing down such danger, however, was perhaps beyond the appetites of some party members. After all, the six heroes were tied together by an eclectic mix of personal motivations, agendas, and relationships, and the pressure of facing the wrath of a god in person might pressure these relations beyond breaking…

: This isn't what I signed up for!

: We signed up?

: Why
are you here, then? The threat Zehir represents to the wider world is hardly something you would concern yourself about.

: I was in it for revenge, duh! And the chance to loot. And maybe become rich and famous for doing some incidental good deed. I didn't think we'd actually have to fight an avatar!

: It is much too late to turn back. You would be cut to ribbons by the temple guards if you left alone.

: I see an escape door just over there. Hardly surprising the head snake-man would have a getaway tunnel in case shit went down. I'm taking it.

: You can't go now! We need you, Heronius! Without you how'll we-

: Anyone seen Beef?

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Beef
CRUSH puny snake god!

: Ye gods, he will be obliterated!

: No time to lose, we have to catch up to him!

: Come on!

: …Fuck

: What now?

: I don't know! How could I know? I don't even
believe in gods, how can I plan to fight one?

: Think we'll get a big rambling villain monologue?

: Agda hopes so! Agda's always wanted her own monologue!

: With our luck I doubt it.

: See? Typical. They probably do not see us on the monologing level. They just plan to kill us where we stand.

: Beef feel so… snubbed.

: No time for feelings, strike! We've only got one chance at this, we've got to strike down the herald's minions before he commits to the fray.

: Where'd all this dust come from? Agda can't see!

: Swing at anything big, green, and ugly!

: Ow!

: Whoops! Sorry, Beef.

: Woah… Beef, what happened?

: He has been enchanted to fight on the herald's level. Distract Zehir's avatar, Beef! We will attend to his servants!

: All of Beef's beefiest dreams coming true! Now Beef am become Beef Godfist!

: Those altars and their operators, they empower the herald and his forces - we cannot win while they stand!

: So I noted! Can anyone disengage to handle them?

: Kind of got my hands full of snake right now, Cornelius!

*snort* Agda bets Pick does!

: See, that's how I know things aren't that desperate yet. I'll worry when you
stop making those jokes.

: Worry no more!

: That's right! It is I, unleashing a tactically sound barrage as I always intended to do! Except for real this time instead of lying to save my own hide.

: It really is the end of all things, I am glad to see him. Right!

: Pick! Agda! To me! We will keep the Yuan-ti Hierophant busy while Heronius destroys the altars.

: You got it!

: Good as done.

: Another problem solved heroically by Heronius. The altars are down!

: I confess, your evocations are useful for something, even if it is a slim band of purpose.

: And some credit from the old man! The miracles ne'er cease, this battle.

: Um, Beef not like make fuss, but Beef not feel so big when bad guy get four arms and each arm get sword.

: Beef have just two arms and even two arms need share same axe. Not fair at all.

: Go, Pasquale, and help Beef. Heronius and I shall use our magics to help Pick and Agda.

: Then I go. Good luck!

: Don't die!

: Or only die really cool when we can see it! No off-screen stuff!

: Think we can take a twelve-foot crazy-evil snake man channelling a dark god on our own?

: Pick, Agda thinks we could do anything.

: Awww, that's nice of you to say. Are you doing anything after the adventure?

: Focus, you flirtatious fools! Battle first! Innuendo afterward!

: Taste the holy fires of vengeance, fiend!

: Eat normal fire, jerk!

: You shall pay for all of the deaths and chaos your storm has sown!

: You get stomped 'cause you hurt Beef's friends!

: You will… Beef, you are sort of throwing me off.

: Beef throw
snake off of… oh, okay.

: So long as Zehir continues to power his Hierophant with holy energy he regenerates almost as fast as Pick and Agda can wound him.

: I think I see what you're getting at.

: We must blitz down his power. Summon your most powerful invocations!

: Hey, you only had to ask.

: He's wide open! The spells must've stunned him!

: All yours, Pick. Go on, be the hero, Agda knows Pick's been waiting for this.

: Thanks.

: You're

: Ick.

: Um… I mean shake, rattlesnake, and roll!

: Stop.

: No wait!
Fangs for the memories!

: Pretty sure you stole that one!

: This is hard!

: Oh you defeated the Hierophant excellent

: Beef sorry! Beef did a bad thing! Whatever Beef say to giant snake to make mad Beef take it back!

: All together now!

: This is insane! What was I thinking?

: Too late for regrets, Heronius!

: Are you guys seeing this? This is awesome! Pick just got struck by lightning! Herald's got an arm for each of us! Wooooooo!

: Never been closer to a god!

: Never been one wrong step from hell!

: Never thought I had limits before this.

: Push past them! Dig deeper! He
must break before we do!

: There it is! Strike now, Beef! End this!


WAAaaaaaaa…ah? Beef did it?

: Yes! Beef
did do it! The herald's going down!

: Watch where he falls!

: My

: Your god!

: I can't believe it actually worked… that wasn't so hard!


: Oh give it a rest, Heronius.

: You think he mad?

: Dunno. Agda would be.

: We just killed the manifestation of a god before his very eyes. Should we… say something?

: Hold on. Let me attempt to contact him.

: How does this thing even turn on?

: It is probably prayer-activated.

: Or maybe lever-activated.

Gods, I hope not!

: Do I fiddle with the sigils? Or do I- no, wait, that does it.

: He'll be back.

: But not, we might hope, for some time.

: All things fade. Even gods.

: So you admit the reality of the divine?

: Pasquale, after what we just witnessed I'd admit

: So maybe
now you-

: Except to you.

: Welp. So long Temple of the World Serpent.

: Beef reasonably satisfied with final god fight. Beef give temple of world-eating snake god four out of five.

: One for the books, anyways! Dear diary, today Agda got one-fifth credit on an avatar-kill! Go Agda!

: One fifth?

: Mhm. Agda's claiming Pick's part.

: That's not how fractions work-

: Okay, okay, settle down filthy children. Let's get out of here.

: Should we not perhaps stay? We have hardly investigated the area, there may be some clue or remnant of Zehir's schemes here on the roof.

: You know, it occurs to me that slaying the avatar of Zehir is probably the sort of thing the other Yuan-Ti might overhear. As in, the Yuan-ti in this very temple. And hear about immediately.

: Hup-two, this way please, step briskly if you would.
Slightly later, in the jungles of northern Chult

: That
still doesn't explain what we'll do when we
get there.

: How many variations on the word "cleanse" do you want to hear?

: That's not a battle plan! That's not even a whole

: Ugh, not everything has to be such an issue you know.

: Okay, well can
somebody explain why
he's in charge?

: Him? Oh, I dunno, I haven't really been paying close attention. Wait, is he in charge? Who decided that?

: Never fear! Arbusto's here! I heard some grumbling in the back and though I should check in. Something wrong?

: Yeah, I got a problem. I'm not totally on board with this whole "temple raid" idea of yours.

: Oh, don't be such a wet blanket. The plan's so simple!

: Simple? Really? Okay, walk me through it.

: Ugh,
here we go.

: Look, it's simple. There's this temple of Yuan-Ti that worship an evil deity called Zehir who's going to replace the old Yuan-Ti god Sseth then take control of Samarach and the Sword Coast!

: I know all this because I was training with the Order of the Salamander at the Flaming Brazier of Kossuth. And they also knew the secret back-door to the temple of the world serpent, because Sseth wants Kossuth to assassinate Zehir's high priest for squatting in his temple!

: So the plan is we sneak into the temple using the hidden back door and trap the altar of the temple so that when Zehir's avatar and high priest are alone we can spring the trap and take them both out!

: Wow, that's actually a pretty decent plan.

: Bet that'd be way easier than sneaking through the whole damn temple.

: Thanks, I thought so - wait, what?

: How could I have known about a secret back entrance? What sort of bargain bin evil god were we dealing with that'd have a cliché "secret tunnel" straight to the heart of his lair?

: Beef suspected the
butler. Him
really Zehir all along!

: Uh, are you guys… adventurers?

: What gave us away? But yes, we are, and yes, we got there first.

: Don't be mad though! We still left you a whole temple full of leaderless chaff if you're into that sort of thing!

: Maybe I should be mad, but this is honestly the least stupid solution to this whole thing I could've hoped for.

: Aw damnit! This was going to be my big break!
Now how am I supposed to show off my assassin skills?

: Don't worry, Zehir looks like the recurring villain type. Maybe you'll get him next time!

: But… my destiny! The quest of Kossuth! All that travelling and adventuring!

: Just go back and take credit! Agda don't know anybody out in Thay anyways.

: Oh, and watch out for the mega raptors!

: Mega… raptors?

Editor's note:
While meant as an offhand remark, Arbusto the Awesome and Team Tango did just as Agda suggested. They claimed credit for the defeat of Zehir to their associates both underground and in Thay, assuming fairly that it would not come back to trouble them - the Yuan-Ti are not the types to furnish corrections, and if any of our heroes were offended they never made mention of it.
Oddly, little is known about the deeds of the four Drow scouts and their Fire Genasi friend - at least, insofar as their activities relate to Zehir. That they were mere hours behind our heroes at the climactic moment is known, but the two parties never crossed paths or sources in their respective pursuits of Zehir. It is sometimes the case that multiple adventurers will work separately toward the same goal, but incidents of outright "sniping" are few.
It is perhaps this embarrassment that kept their story from wider circulation. The Drow are a long-lived race and the lifespan of Genasi can vary, so it may be the case that the members of this fellowship still live. If so, I would very much like to hear their own version of events, if only to discover where they fit in the storm of Zehir.

: It feels good to be back on friendly ground.

: Friendlier ground, anyway. I will be happier when we are through with serpent temples full stop.

: Oh, and look who's here to greet us!

: No don't!

: Quick, stop him before he-

: Hail and well met, old friend. The job is done.

: You know, in my own way, I'm going to miss that jerk.

: Another thought occurs - I never worked out royalties with Volo. He's going to keep our story as well as all the money in it.


: Heronius! Pull yourself together. Our work is not yet done.

: We must be presentable. A final confrontation awaits.

: Beef tired. Can Beef go home? Skip fighting snake lady?

: If we are fortunate we may not have to fight, at least not physically.

: Beef hate it when fight with words. Beef feel unarmed.

: Oh no, Sa'Sani. You will not sneak that one past us.

: She manipulated us. Manipulated
me. I will back you.

: Yeah, she's got it coming.

: Very well.

: I am… relieved.

: Really? I'm disappointed. We just slew a god, we could've taken her.

: Not the point.

: It has been… the longest, strangest journey of my long life. I am glad to have walked it with you five.

: We're not going away, silly! We're still friends!

: We might even get the same job, right? Saving the world shouldn't be the
end of the world.

: Beef so glad Beef have bestest friends ever! Boat to Samarach was best boat Beef ever get stuck on by accident!

: I hate to admit it because it does a number to my rep, but… you five aren't the
worst people I could be stuck with. I may even start to value your puny lives nearly as much as my self-interest. But don't go spreading that around.

: Awwwww, 'ronyus you big softie!

: My friends, it has been an honour.
This is the end of our heroes' struggle against Zehir. If the secretive snake god usurper ever rose to power once more it is a tale only the snake-men known, and they share few stories. His cult, thrown into disarray by the loss of their leadership, were later to face the wrath of the Sauringer clan of Yuan-Ti as well as perhaps the worse threat of adventurers drawn to the temple once word got out of its existence.
The Sauringer clan would be victorious, but it turned out that adventurers rarely read the nitty details of quests and few noticed the difference when the temple of the world serpent changed hands between Yuan-Ti factions. The constant raids by treasure-seeking heroes eventually forced even the Sauringer to abandon the temple of the world serpent, until it became yet another ruin to a slumbering god that so dotted the landscape of the realms.
Being that the war was fought mostly in secret and by a handful of agents there were few who could claim to know what had happened first hand outside of the Yuan-Ti. Most histories regard Zehir, if they do at all, as a strictly internal matter for the snake-folk. A few more rigorous works uncovered the accounts of the Circle of Friends and Khelgar of the wider plot but attribution for foiling it is confused and uncertain at best.
Volo's work alone laid out the full story of our heroes, his account being first hand, but it was a work dogged by his own reputation. Given to aggrandize his glorified travel journals, many saw Volo's "take" on events as little more than a fringe theory, and his endorsement of our heroes if anything was seen as evidence that the story was likely false. Despite the damage he unintentionally did to the account of history, his own epilogue is here appended as it is the only account until now to try and survey the full effects of the storm of Zehir.
And there, their adventure ended.
Endings are strange things. As Pick remarked upon, it is an odd thing to set out to save the world, for in saving it you end the story that truly defined it. We assure continuation of all that is in the same moment that we cease all mention of it and let it pass on to memory. A hero may miraculously escape the dragon's breath only to be felled by the turning of the final page in their book.
Unjustly, this was the fate of our six from the perspective of history - at least, until now. Volo, to whom they entrusted their tale, was forever well-meaning yet a buffoon. His own account of the storm of Zehir is thin on facts and far too enamoured with the figure of Sa'Sani (much as the bard was himself). Yet though he and time were quick to forget their names, the six lived full lives after their conquest of Zehir, and many in each other's company.
To that end I have assembled the missing pages of Volo's work - the fates of our heroes and their acquaintances. Let them stand as a marker, a sign that points to lives well-lived outside of the long shadows that adventures cast.
Now that we draw to our own end, as our dear heroes once drew to theirs, it is important the correct recognition be given. Though it pains me to admit it this work would have been impossible without Volothamp Geddarm and his original, first-hand account of events. So to him I offer begrudging thanks.
More enthusiastic thanks goes to the Cent Academic Trust in Cormyr, the Napalm estate, and the temples of Hoar and Kelemvor for their generosity in furnishing records.
Special thanks goes to my predecessors in the field of history, Captain 'Garlic' and Lieutenant 'Danger', whose own inspirational works on past adventurers were a lighthouse to guide my work, may these literary giants forgive my faltering claim of peerdom. Lastly, but far from leastly, a special thanks to my colleague and ace illustrator, illuminator, and diviner Chance the Second, who brought the tale of our heroes to brilliant visual life.
I dedicate this book to all forgotten adventurers, all nameless, faceless heroes whose tales did not warrant a page in history. I dedicate it to the individuals it is meant to honour, for their brave deeds. I dedicate it to my parents, who told me their story so that I could one day pass it on. Lastly I dedicate it to you, kind reader, who by reading it have brought these dry, dead words to life and given light to a story that would have otherwise remained lost forever.
In friendship,
Otto Gardner.